Tuesday, September 7, 2010


May 29, 2008 started like any other day. Both Joey and I woke up, got ready, said our I love yous and went off to work. He called me in the afternoon to let me know he wasn't feeling well and was going to go home. I didn't think much of it. About 45 minuets later he called again, asking me to come home to get him some water. Strange request. This was obviously a red flag. I rushed home to find him in the bathroom with a 105 fever. I tried to talk him into going to the hospital, but he said it was so high because he had been dunking his head in hot water and had the hair dryer on him (Joey is unable to regulate his temperature, and often has to raise his temp in order to lower it.). He said he was fine so I went back to work to finish my day. When I returned home, his temperature had lowered to 100. For the next several hours his temperature fluctuated between 99 and 100. It was not an odd thing for Joey to have a fever. About once a month, sometimes more often Joey would get "the shakes" and a low fever. So we didn't really think too much of it. We went to bed early that night. Around 1 or 1:30am on May 30, 2008 Joey woke me up and asked that I take him to the hospital. We got to the hospital around 2am and they took us not long after we were there. When they got us in a room and stated to take his vitals his heart rate was very high. They did a few blood tests and about 7 hours later they found him a room in the ICU. At this point no one had even told us what was wrong, even after I asked what felt like a million times. No one told us. On our way up to his room wile waiting for the elevator we found out he had sepsis. Not only did we find out he had sepsis, we also found out that if we would have waited until the morning to go to the hospital he wouldn't have made it through the night. I would have lost Joey. What a frightening thought. The love of my life....gone.

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